Friday, June 3, 2011
How do you change a fuel filter on a 1991 dodge Dakota?
someone suggested that there is a valve that needs to be turned off before I disconnect the fuel filter. is this true, and if so what does it look like and where is it located?How do you change a fuel filter on a 1991 dodge Dakota?I have a 1988 Dodge Dakota that I changed the fuel filter on a few weeks ago. There was no valve to turn off. The fuel filter is located on the drivers side under the body about half way down the truck. I had a pan under it when I pulled it off to collect the gas, and make sure you keep your face away when you pull it off, but it was only a small amount of fuel that came out, enough to soak up with a rag. Hope this helps.How do you change a fuel filter on a 1991 dodge Dakota?The valve they are talking about is to release the fuel line pressure, you cant turn it off, it is for safety purposes and is located under the hood on the fuel injection rail. If you loosen the filter-located like the other man said, under the truck inside the frame rail- you can't miss it. WEAR EYE PROTECTION, loosen it up, let the pressure bleed off, takes a few seconds, then finish removing the filter, reinstall new one and go!