Monday, September 19, 2011

Does anyone know where to find and how to change the fuel filter on a 02 kia rio?

believe it or not on this kia the filter is in your fuel tank.

ase techDoes anyone know where to find and how to change the fuel filter on a 02 kia rio?I MAY NOT FAMILIAR W/ THIS CAR,BUT MY GUESS IS THAT THERE IS NO SERVICEABLE FILTER ON THIS CAR.THE ONLY FILTER MAY BE INSIDE THE TANK,WHICH CAN ONLY BE REPLACED W/ THE PUMP.THE BEST BET IS CALL A DEALER AND ASK THEM FOR THE FUEL FILTER IF THEY SAY NO THAT MEANS IT'S ALL IN THE TANK.AND IF THEY HAVE A LISTING FOR IT ASK THEM WHERE IS TI LOCATED.Does anyone know where to find and how to change the fuel filter on a 02 kia rio?Its in the rear of the car close to the tire. It is round and silver. it might have a holder attached to it to the frame that u have to take off. Follow the rubber line from the tank to the front. I believe its on the divers side,but could be wrong.