Monday, October 24, 2011

How do I release fuel pressure and chg filter on 1989 chevy pickup?

I want to change the fuel filter on my 1989 chevy pickup because it has been setting for over a year and pressing on the gas I hear the truck struggling as if not enough gas getting to the engine.

The fuel filter package says the pressure should be released before installing. Please explain the steps to do so and to change the fuel filter.

I appreciate detailed instructions, as I give detailed instructions when I answer someones question. Also please tell me if addntl parts need to be changed.

I will be more than happy to award the 10 points to the correct instructor.

Thanks again all you wizards (mechanics).How do I release fuel pressure and chg filter on 1989 chevy pickup?the pressure should mostly bleed off by itself it you just let it sit for a while and cool off. There will be a small amount of pressure on the line when you first take it loose mostly from gravity drainage. Might pick up some absorbent pads for this, or some oil absorbent or cat litter will do just as well. use a drain pan to catch most of it and to have a place to set the old filter when you change it out. Be ready for a shower afterward because there is almost no way to do this in the driveway without getting some splashed on you. Mechanics in a shop with a lift can just back off and let it go into their waste oil drain system, but crawling under it even with a creeper restricts your movement. Start with the engine side first and the filter will control the splash and allow it to drain off a little before pulling the other end. A couple of minutes will do. Have the new filter ready and quickly disconnect the back side and put the new one on. be careful of the direction of flow as some filters have a back flow or check valve built into them. Tighten the connections and check for leaks. A tip before starting is to loosen your clips holding the lines and filter in place before hand and this will make the job a lot easier. Not sure if the 89 has screw clips or press clips. If it's press clips then pop the filter and lines loose with a screwdriver, or if its screw clips then take them loose with a ratchet beforehand. this gives you easier access and will make the job go faster. As far as an actual pressure relief valve, I've only seen that on some heavy equipment with big diesel engines. that instruction is just one of those quirky things that the manufacturer puts in to cover their rears.How do I release fuel pressure and chg filter on 1989 chevy pickup?if you leave it overnight, the pressure will have dissipated anyhow, and it will just be a tiny bit of gas in the lineHow do I release fuel pressure and chg filter on 1989 chevy pickup?well i had a 88 chevy pick up%26quot;differant year same truck%26quot;

all i did was let the truck sit for like 2 hours and it was fine

when you disconect the fuel lines from the filter gas will come out cause it is full anyway

tip: get a fuel pressure gage and check the pressure from the fuel pump

you already have the filter off anyway you can rent them from you local auto parts store

hope this helpsHow do I release fuel pressure and chg filter on 1989 chevy pickup?This truck has a low-pressure TBI fuel system, so all you need to do is remove the fuel cap, which is sufficient enough to release any pressure that may be in the tank.

The fuel filter is located along the inside of the driver side frame rail, and more often than not, the lines are rusted to hell and will probably break as soon as you attempt to unscrew them from the filter. Be prepared to go back to the store to buy fuel line, as this will likely happen. Hopefully you are lucky though. You will want to have a catch pan underneath the fuel filter area, as a surprising amount of fuel will spill out. You can always temporarily cork the end of the fuel line with a piece of a plastic bag and an elastic band to reduce fuel loss if you want to.

There is a bolt that holds the fuel filter bracket in place. You may need to remove this bolt if it gives you heck. (13 mm socket) There are brake lines in the area as well, be careful with those, they will probably be quite crusty.

Install new filter, making sure you install it the correct way, there will be an arrow on the filter indicating direction of fuel flow.

Run engine and check carefully for any leaks.

Hope this helps.How do I release fuel pressure and chg filter on 1989 chevy pickup?the way i do it on my 88 oldsmobile is i take the gas cap off.